What is the 049Campaign?
The 049Campaign is a grass-roots advocacy and awareness campaign to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs). Our goal is to educate the public about the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the needs of individuals living with FASDs. Zero for Nine stands for the importance of consuming zero alcohol for all nine months of pregnancy.
Why the 049Campaign?
FAS is the leading known cause of intellectual disabilities in western civilization (NIAAA, 8th Special Report NIH Publication No. 94-3699). In the U.S. each year, between 35,000-50,000 babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders that affect their ability to function in life. Most will not be diagnosed appropriately.
Alcohol produces the most serious neurobehavioral effects on the fetus – more than heroin, cocaine or marijuana – with no safe level of consumption. Yet many doctors still advise their patients that an “occasional drink” is not harmful. Additionally, 50% of women of childbearing age drink alcohol (American Medical Association) and only 39% of women of childbearing age even know what FAS is. (National Institutes of Health)
Meanwhile, of the children that are born affected with FASD, less than 10% are able to achieve success in living and working independently. (CDC Study by Ann Streissguth). Persons with FASD have serious difficulties with attention deficits, judgment, memory, and impulse control, which continue throughout their lifetime. There is no cure for FASDs - but they are 100% preventable!
With increased awareness, we hope to reduce the number of children born with FASDs and promote understanding of the issues faced by those living with the disorder.
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